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LinkedIn takes action to tackle fake accounts

LinkedIn is introducing new verification features over the coming months to help tackle fake accounts. The business-focused social platform is a fantastic place to connect with like-minded businesspeople, and to find new employees, jobs and opportunities. But thanks to this popularity, we’re seeing an increase in fake profiles, created by scammers for more sinister purposes. Bot-like accounts have been cropping …
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"Types of Cloud Computing Solutions" title graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Types of Cloud Computing Solutions

Cloud computing involves making on-demand computing services available to clients online and on a pay-as-you-go basis. Organisations can rent access to applications, processing power, and storage from cloud service providers. This makes it much cheaper for them as compared to investing in expensive IT infrastructures. They also have the option to pay for the service

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"Why Small Organisations are embracing the cloud" title graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Why Small Organisations are Embracing the Cloud

Table of Contents Why use the cloud? As cloud solutions continue to gain popularity, many small and medium-sized organisations are investing in this new technology. “Moving to the cloud” is becoming the new norm these days to improve operations, reduce overheads, and target other business needs. It has indeed become instrumental in the transformation of

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Small Business Managed IT Services title graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

How Managed IT Services Benefit Small Businesses

Technology plays an indispensable role in the success of businesses. It allows organisations to deploy efficient processes, collect customer information, track inventory, and communicate with customers wherever they are in the world. Having the latest IT infrastructure not only boosts one’s productivity but also affects the company’s bottom line immensely. Although these advancements seem to

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"What Is An IT Service Provider?" : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

What Is An IT Service Provider?

What Is An IT Service Provider? Companies that offer IT solutions and services to organisations are called IT Service Providers or more generally known as Managed Service Providers (MPS’s) – these terms are used interchangeably. Their customers usually gain access to these solutions by paying a support fee, either monthly or annually. Some of these

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IT Support in Healthcare : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

The Role of IT Services in Healthcare

The advancement of technology has transformed the healthcare landscape within the past decade. Healthcare providers, both large and small, are now utilising new equipment to enhance the quality of care among patients and meet the constantly changing regulatory environment. With the help of IT support companies, medical facilities can perform high-tech operations and streamline their

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Email Hacked : Blog Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Signs That Your Email Account Has Been Hacked

Introduction Hacking refers to the exploitation of digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, servers, as well as entire computer networks. The people involved in this process are called hackers, and they have the technical knowledge to steal, encrypt, or manipulate data of an individual or an organisation. Hackers have various reasons why they are

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How to Protect Against Ransomware Attacks : Blog Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

How to Protect Against Ransomware Attacks

Introduction As of 2020, ransomware attacks have been estimated to have cost UK businesses a total of £365 million. This is why organisations want to increase their security measures against these attacks before their important files get locked out or sold to the dark web. How exactly can they boost their cybersecurity against ransomware attacks?

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Computer Hacked ; Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

How to Tell if Your Computer Has Been Hacked

Introduction Computer hackers are people who access computers illegally to steal, change, or destroy information. They access your computer network and install dangerous malware without your knowledge, ultimately posing a threat to your organisation’s security. Their sophisticated methods and technical expertise enable them to access sensitive data such as documentation of business processes, trade secrets,

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The Benefits of Using Cloud Storage : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

The Benefits of Using Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a popular way to store files and share them throughout a network of devices. They are considered to be more reliable as they are usually backed up on multiple servers, so there is very little chance of your files getting lost or corrupted.
Globally, businesses are turning to the cloud to reduce costs, improve productivity, and increase collaboration between different branches of their business.
In this blog we share the top benefits of using cloud storage to help you make the most of your digital environment.

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Support Devices and Applications : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Top 7 Things Series: Part 7 – Support Devices and Applications

Click here to read  Part 1 of Cyber Essentials Series – Top 7 Things you need to know before you start your Assessment Click here to read Part 2 of our Cyber Essentials Series  – IT Support Click here to read Part 3 of our Cyber Essentials Series  – Home Workers Click here to read Part

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Secure remote access : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

How to Deploy Secure Remote Access for Employees

Introduction Remote work enables professionals to conduct work without going to a traditional office. Over the last few years, the number of people embracing the work from home style has been rapidly growing. As most data can now be accessed via the cloud, employees are able to do their job wherever they prefer. However, we

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One drive : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Working remotely with One Drive

Play Video OneDrive is the ultimate storage software for businesses with busy teams. It keeps your data safe and offers lots of additional features. Whether your team needs to edit the same document in real time, or discuss changes over live chat, they can, with OneDrive’s powerful capabilities. If your business already has Microsoft 365,

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Working From Home : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

CyberSecurity Tips for Employees Working from Home

Introduction There has been an increase in the number of remote workers due to the current global pandemic. Many organisations were forced to shift to telecommuting or remote work models in the hopes of lowering the risk of contagion. Unfortunately, with a lot of people now going online for work, cyber security incidents have also

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Managed IT Services - HealthCare : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Why Should Healthcare Organisations Use Managed IT Services

Introduction Healthcare organisations benefit significantly from digitising patient health information as it helps improve their ability to care for patients. However, this level of care has become heavily dependent on accessing the patients’ data, which often gets threatened by downtime, cyber threats, and tampering. In this case, data accessibility and integrity need to be harnessed.

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Email Security : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

It’s Time to Ramp Up Your Email Security

Introduction From email correspondence to private financial transactions, businesses depend on email to stay connected and perform work effectively. However, when this mode of communication gets compromised, it can cause damaging effects on your organisation. With the prominence of data breaches among organisations, it is ideal to use email security solutions to stay in control

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Email Security : Blog Post Title Graphic : Cyber Security & CyberEssentials Certification from CyberSecuritiesUK

Why is Email Security Important?

Introduction As organisations face daily cyber security threats, it is now mandatory to protect your online accounts, in particular your email. Social engineering attacks could easily manipulate users to give up sensitive information, approve fake invoices, or download unknown files that could damage the user or company’s network. Once an individual’s email account gets compromised,

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