Products & Services

We help our business squeeze risk out of their organisation, by following existing and recommended industry cyber security standards.

What we do

Cyber Securities UK provide Cyber Certification Services that helps keep your business running and protected from the bad guys, so you can focus on running your business.

We are a Certification Body, who are trained and licensed by ‘The IASME Consortium’ to work alongside you, to help you become cyber certified.

Our programmes are based around two core standards:-

Cyber Essentials Scheme” which focuses on 5 basic technical controls, and is a simple yet effective, Government backed framework that will help protect your organisation against a range of the most common internet based cyber attacks.

IASME Governance Standard” takes a more comprehensive risk-based approach and includes aspects such as physical security, staff awareness and data backup. Written along similar lines to ISO 27001, the IASME standard is more affordable and achievable for SMEs. This standard incorporates Cyber Essentials and a GDPR assessment.

Both standards are available in two variants, self assessed where your answers are externally moderated, and fully audited where an assessor, like us, conducts a remote/onsite formal review to ensure the appropriate controls are in place.

Cyber Security Certification icon from CyberSecuritiesUK : Cyber Essentials certification
Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme that will help you protect your business from the most common cyber attacks, no matter the size of your organisation.
We aim to make the programme as straightforward as possible, and for clients would strongly recommend you consider one of the packages that includes help, as the standard may prove more challenging than you think.
Being secure doesn’t need to be difficult, the cyber essentials programme can help you protect yourself from the most common cyber attacks.
This programme is independently verified via self-assessment.

Icons for compliance packages from CyberSecuritiesUK
Ongoing Compliance Packages

We have created several low-cost packages, that help you stay on the “straight and narrow”.
We help to reduce risk on a day to day basis, it also means come renewal time, you can rest assured that you may need a minor “tweak here or a tweak there” to refresh your compliance – rather than a last-minute mad rush.
We all want a less stress life, that’s what Cyber Securities UK are here for!

Cyber Essentials PLUS icon : Certified Cyber Security Certification in Merseyside
Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus carries the same protections as the standard Cyber Essentials programme, and still has the same straightforward approach, but this programme involves a technical audit of the systems that are in-scope of the assessment.
The Cyber Essentials Plus is one of our most popular programmes, in addition to the protection against the most common cyber attacks as outlined above, it includes an appraisal of a representative set of user devices, all internet gateways and all servers accessible to internet users.

Icons of computer screens under repair : IT Support Merseyside from BreenIT/CyberSecuritiesUK
IT Support

In most instances, we would strongly advise that your current IT Support partner works with you to implement the technical controls around the Cyber Essentials Scheme; however, in some situations, this is not possible.
Our programme will involve an initial telephone discussion to determine if we can help you. If we can, we will then agree a custom plan to bring you up-to-the required standard.

Monthly Security Packages

Email Security

Email is the number one vector for sophistacted threats attacking your organisation.
Remember – It is now people rather than infrastructure which is targeted.
Our email security service focuses on Ransomware and Phishing protection, along with real-time link and attachment checking.

Microsoft 365 Protection and Reporting

Unfortunately, Microsoft 365 is a key target for the bad guys, allowing them to impersonate members of staff and gain valuable information.
Would you know if your Microsoft 365 system had been hacked?
With our Protection and Reporting service for Microsoft 365 we help you know the answer to that question and more importantly, stay safe.

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