What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials Plus is a separate certification that can be beneficial in addition to the Cyber Essentials programme. CE Plus is the highest level of certification offered under the Cyber Essentials Scheme. Like the standard Cyber Essentials certification, it covers everything your business should do to defend itself from a whole range of cyber-attacks, but CE Plus is a more rigorous test of your organisation’s cyber security systems.
Cyber Essentials Plus still has the same simple approach as Cyber Essentials and the protections you need to put in place are the same, but CE Plus requires a technical audit of the systems that are in scope of the assessment.
It contains an external vulnerability scan so you can see how robust your defences are against basic hacking and ensure that the correct controls are in place. It also includes an independent assessment by a licensed auditor. For CE Plus certification, an appraisal of a representative set of user devices, internet gateways and all servers accessible to internet users will be completed. The testing involves an assessor connecting remotely to a sample of your devices, including Laptops/Desktops and Mobile devices.